Learn to fly radio controlled (R/C) models with aerofly RC 9. When it comes to learning and improving R/C flying skills, aerofly RC 9 is the number one choice for R/C pilots. Our state of the art physics simulation gives you a stunning level of realism. Together with our superb model details and awesome scenery quality you will feel as if standing on a real flying field.
@owllen: There should two bundle's on the Mac App store in case you have purchased aerofly RC 7 and/or RC 8. The bundle's should be cheaper than buying both products seprately. Please check this. However the Bundle aerofly RC 9 / aerofly RC 8 is currently not active, please wait 1-2 days until it shows up.
Aerofly Pro For Mac
i started download this app called aerofly fs from app store and some how my cat stepped on my mpc and it got restarted. After restart when i tried to resume download from app store but the button appears to say install not resume download, i clicked on install anyway but it does not respond, i mean the button turned grey for a few seconds and comes back to a blue install, nothing happened!!! later i tried to update a few apps and the same thing happens, app store was not responsive to download. Could somebody please help me out with this please, the app cost me 50 bucks and now i regrat buying this already... 2ff7e9595c